Bastian Hoelscher Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Certified Hunyuan Practitioner

My goal is to inspire you for a way that leads to lasting health, and opens up possibilities for you to experience yourself and your body in an unexpectedly healthy and energetic way.

Bastian Hölscher

Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine has a tradition going back thousands of years. The best known procedure in the West is acupuncture, which I use mainly for pain therapy and for the treatment of diseases of the locomotor system (e.g. back and knee pain). Together with the traditional Gua Sha Massage

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Functional Medicine

Functional medicine (also known as biological medicine) is the future of scientifically proven medicine. There is no doubt about that for me. An impressive example of what is possible with the methods of functional medicine is provided by Prof. Dr. Dale Bredesen. Through

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Nutritional Advice

"All illness begins in the intestines." Hippocrates already knew that. If you look at the latest results from the field of microbiome research (scientific examination of the intestinal flora), you understand how right he was. A large number of diseases are associated with a disorder

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ⓘ Please note that as of May 2019 I will only work as a private physician and will have to charge for each treatment.